Unlocking the Servant Leader Within: 7 Signs You’re Excelling in Servant Leadership

A leader who advocates servant leadership prioritises the needs of their team members, focusing on serving and supporting them to achieve their full potential is a servant leader. A servant leader is humble, empathetic, listens actively and has a strong commitment to team success. Rather than pursuing power or control, a servant leader seeks to inspire and empower others, fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment.

Here are 7 signs that you are excelling as a servant leader:

1. You go out of your way to ensure that they are comfortable talking to you. 
You do not make them feel judged for sharing. 
You are able to see things from the perspective of your team members and the business. 
You understand their needs and concerns, and are willing to help them overcome challenges. Your team members do not dread hopping on a meeting with you. 🤓

2. You encourage ideation and involve your team in solution design. 
As a servant leader you do not push for your solution without considering the input of others. Servant leaders will not blindside the team. You will give the full picture and ensure full transparency, thus encouraging the team to share their ideas and perspectives, where you listen with an open mind.

3. You have the same level of respect for everyone. 
Servant leaders create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Regardless of position, seniority, or background, you treat everyone with the same level of respect and dignity.

4. You make sure everyone feels heard.
Servant leaders are good listeners. You take the time to understand what their team members are saying, both verbally and nonverbally. They also ask clarifying questions to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the situation.

5. You share knowledge
You are eager to share knowledge and build up the team. If you notice someone needs help, you find a way to facilitate this.

6. You share accountability
Servant leaders empower their team members by giving them responsibility and authority. You trust your team members to get the job done, and you provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed.
Servant leaders are accountable for their own actions and decisions. You take responsibility for your mistakes, and learn from them.

7. You always share your wins. You say “us” and not “I”. 
You give credit to the people who actually does the work. 
Servant leaders are humble and do not seek out personal glory. You are more interested in the success of the entire team.

Ultimately, the power lies with your team members to assess your leadership effectiveness. The best way to know if you are a servant leader is to ask your team members. They will be able to tell you if you are listening to them, empowering them, and celebrating their successes. If they feel valued and respected, and if they are motivated to do their best work, then you are probably a servant leader. And if you are a servant leader, then you are making a positive difference in the lives of your team members.

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